The Sport and Recreation Alliance welcomes today’s
Read moreThe Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has announced that £300 million of funding will be provided to major spectator sports impacted by the cancellation of events caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read moreThe Youth Sport Trust, Sport and Recreation Alliance, ukactive and Association for Physical Education have come together to help clarify what extra-curricular sport is permitted under government’s new lockdown guidance.
Read moreThinking about the impact of any potential disruptions to your organisation is something that should always feature on your agenda, not just in times of COVID-19.
Read moreThe UK’s sport and physical activity sector has joined forces to launch a new campaign called Save Our Sports, urging the Government to save grassroots sport, fitness and leisure facilities from permanent closure due to COVID-19.
Read moreOn the evening of Saturday 31 October, the Prime Minister announced a new lockdown is to come into effect for four weeks, starting on Thursday 5 November.
Read moreNew research conducted by the Sport and Recreation Alliance shows that there is clear lack of representation of Black individuals across the board in the sport and recreation sector but tackling inequality remains a key priority for most organisations.
Read moreSport England have released the latest Active Lives Survey report which shows an encouraging increase in physical activity levels has been devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read moreGovernment has today announced £100 million of funding has been allocated to a new scheme introduced to address the ongoing challenges local authority sport and leisure facilities are facing.
Read moreFrom the intricacies of navigation to the exhilaration of coping with the open sea, there is so much to gain from being on the water and the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is working to ensure more people reap the sport’s benefits.
Read moreSector deeply troubled by lack of Government action
Read moreMore than a quarter of Premier League footballers are black, yet less than 2% of all senior governance and administrative positions at governing bodies and football clubs in England are held by staff from BAME backgrounds.
Read moreBritish Weight Lifting (BWL) is the national governing body for Weightlifting and Para Powerlifting within the United Kingdom.
Read moreToday marks the beginning of Black History Month, a month of events which shine a light on the culture, history and achievement of Britain’s Black communities.
Read moreThe Sport and Recreation Alliance has responded to the statement made by the Chancellor on Thursday 24 September.
Read moreSport England Chair, Nick Bitel and former Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Regional Racing Coach, Alan Woolford have been recognised for their outstanding service to sport and recreation at the Alliance’s Annual Conference 2020.
Read moreLeaders from more than one hundred sport and physical activity bodies have sent a letter to the Prime Minister urging him to ringfence funding for the recovery of the sports and activity sector – or risk fuelling physical inactivity and related illnesses for a generation.
Read moreNot many organisations could have predicted the emergence of a global pandemic in their lifetime – some though, would have prepared.
Read moreThe Sport and Recreation Alliance is pleased to announce that Gateley Legal will be sponsoring our event app for our Annual Conference 2020.
Read moreJoin the nation in celebrating the three million people who keep us active on a daily basis this UK Coaching Week.
Read moreWheelchair tennis was founded in the 1970s and is one of the fastest growing wheelchair sports in the world.
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