Helping you make sport and recreation a more equal, diverse and inclusive place

We offer a variety of governance and EDI services - take a look below for more information.

E-learning platform

Alongside Accelerate Sport, the Alliance has a number of courses available to members on our e-learning platform. By digitalising elements of our EDI and governance work, we are making learning more accessible for our members - who also receive a discount on courses.

Take a look at the courses that are currently running by clicking here.

Board Evaluations

A board evaluation is a key part of the governance process. A well-conducted evaluation helps the board assess its effectiveness, identify skills required for new appointments, and highlight areas for further development.

Our evaluation starts with a detailed initial consultation with the board chair, CEO and/or the governance lead, and then follows the steps outlined in the graphic.

For any questions about the process, or to book a board evaluation, contact our governance team.



Inclusivity Hub Resources

The resources from our Inclusivity Hub are available in the 'Resources' section of our website. Here, you’ll find research, resources, toolkits, workshops, and learning events. This space exists to catalyse conversations, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing to enable meaningful change.

check out our Inclusivity Hub

Training programmes

Every year we run a number of training programmes to keep the sector up-to-date on best practice, on topics including good governance, board performance, strategic planning, effective chairing skills and much more.

Take a look at our events page for the latest programmes.

In-house training service

Our team provides in-house training services to a variety of boards across the sector. We work closely with organisations to understand governance needs and tailor bespoke training packages suited to board development.

Contact our governance team to book an initial consultation

More information

For more information about anything on this page, or for any questions about the Alliance’s governance and EDI work or services, please contact the team here.

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