2 Nov 2012

Survey reveals 'inspired generation' facing sports participation barriers

Survey reveals 'inspired generation' facing sports participation barriers news article image

A new survey by the Co-operative as part of their partnership with StreetGames has found that three out of four young people were inspired by this special summer of sport but prohibitive cost, poor accessibility and even waiting lists are now diminishing enthusiasm.

Key findings of the survey were:

  • 63% of young women and 50% of young men who have finished full time education do no organised physical activities which rises to 72% in unemployed young adults and 68% of young black adults.
  • Three quarters of young people in Britain (77 per cent) were inspired to get physically active following this year’s summer of sport. But less than a quarter have taken up new sports or activities.
  • Nine out of ten young people think that free sports-based activities and volunteering opportunities would be a positive thing for their local community.
  • More than half of young people say that the Olympic and Paralympic Games inspired them to consider volunteering but over a third still don’t know where to turn to access information about volunteering in their local area.

Sarah Klueter, Senior Community Manager at The Co-operative Group, said:

“After such an epic summer of sport, this new report paints a deeply concerning picture.

“Clearly we have succeeded in inspiring young people to get active and get involved in their communities, yet we have failed to provide the right opportunities.

“That’s where StreetGames comes in. We know from the 5,000 young people who have stepped forward to become sports volunteers, that when provided with supported opportunities on their doorstep, even in the most deprived areas, it gives young people the motivation to achieve and to give something back.”

This research has been released by the Co-operative who help fund an innovative Young Volunteer programme for StreetGames. If you’d like to find out more please visit the StreetGames website.

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