In this blog Victoria Armitage, Campaigns Officer for the Ramblers, talks about its upcoming Big Pathwatch campaign to map out the rights of way network in England and Wales.
We chose the worst day possible to go for our team day to test the Big Pathwatch app – rain, mud, a pub that closed before we arrived – but we had great fun and some of us managed to walk an impressive 24,000 steps!
So what’s the Big Pathwatch? On 13 July we’ll launch this new initiative aimed at motivating communities to survey our rights of way network—footpaths, bridleways and byways—in England and Wales, and then to report their findings, both good and bad, via our purpose-built app or our website. Once the survey closes later in the year, we aim to produce the first comprehensive nationwide analysis of the condition of our paths, as well as to:
• To use the information to work with councils to find cost-effective solutions to maintain our path network.
• help increase the health of our communities by encouraging more people to get outside and enjoy our beautiful country.
• celebrate our path network and show its value
Out on our own team ramble, we encountered beautiful Rhododendron bushes, fields of sheep, horses and geese - as well as a blocked off path, rickety stiles and intimidating signs.
We want the Big Pathwatch to inspire our communities to get out and enjoy our beautiful 140,000 miles of public rights of way, as well as the many health benefits of walking. But we also want to work with decision makers to help maintain a walkable network for future generations to enjoy. As a sociable, inclusive and free activity, walking helps improve our sense of community and build social networks as well as contributing to the rural economy.
That’s why Ramblers is encouraging everyone to strap on their walking boots, download the Big Pathwatch app - or grab a pen and paper – and help to inspect our rights of way! Just visit
The Sport and Recreation Alliance and the physical activity sector have published an open letter to the Government on the impact of Pathways to Work on disabled people and activity levels across the UK.
Read moreHere, we seek to update you on some of the key workstreams we’re focused on, as well as provide an overview of the ways in which you, our members, can foster more inclusive, equitable, and diverse environments for your organisations, including advertising some of the training options we provide (at discount!) and job postings too.
Read moreHere is an end-of-week wrap on some key workstreams we’re undertaking for you, our members, that we want to bring to your attention. It covers a number of important pieces of information for consideration or action.
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