We were so keen to show-off our new look newsletter to everyone that it wasn’t personalised as per usual, our apologies!
However, we hope you still liked the new look and format to the newsletter. We’re hoping to gather some feedback on what you liked, was the content what you’d expect or want to see?
If you want to see more of some articles, less of others or have some suggestions of what we should be featuring, please put your comments in the box at the footer of this page.
We will use this to make sure we are giving you what’s important to you.
If you didn’t spot our newsletter and want to receive a weekly update about the latest news and events from the sector, click here.
You can view our latest newsletter here.
The Sport and Recreation Alliance and the physical activity sector have published an open letter to the Government on the impact of Pathways to Work on disabled people and activity levels across the UK.
Read moreHere, we seek to update you on some of the key workstreams we’re focused on, as well as provide an overview of the ways in which you, our members, can foster more inclusive, equitable, and diverse environments for your organisations, including advertising some of the training options we provide (at discount!) and job postings too.
Read moreHere is an end-of-week wrap on some key workstreams we’re undertaking for you, our members, that we want to bring to your attention. It covers a number of important pieces of information for consideration or action.
Read moreJoining the Sport and Recreation Alliance is pretty simple, but worthwhile!
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