Major Spectator Sports Division Meeting
Date: Wednesday 3 May 2017
Time: 11:00
Venue: Sport and Recreation Alliance, 14-16 Caxton Street, London SW1H 0QT
In the Chair: Ben Calveley (RFU)
Deputy Chair: Jane Nickerson (Amateur Swimming Association)
Laura Bewick (British Horseracing Authority), Norman Fletcher (PGA), Sam Gould (LTA), Fredrik Lindgren (European Tour), Hannah Murphy (ECB), Tim Payton (ECB), (Sport Communications), Andy Reed (Sport and Recreation Alliance), Janice Shardlow (BEF), Simon Taylor (PPF) Charlie Dewhirst (RFU), James MacDougall (FA)
Richard Baldwin (Adviser to Sport and Recreation Alliance), Rob Jones (Motor Sports Association), Will Lambe (British Horseracing Authority), Kevan Taylor (UK Athletics)
Emma Boggis (Chief Executive), Leigh Thompson (Policy Manager), Rob Arnott (Communications and Engagement Manager), Tom Morgan (Sport and Recreation Alliance), Rob Tate (Governance Officer), Hayley Foster (Governance Officer)
Andrew Spiers (Sport England) item 2 only.
The Chair (Ben Calveley - BC) welcomed everyone to the meeting and extended a special welcome to Laura Bewick and Sam Gould to their first MSSD meeting. He also congratulated Jane Nickerson, on behalf of the division, on her recent appointment as CEO of Swim England.
Andrew Spiers (Strategic Lead Research, Evaluation and Analysis at Sport England) presented to the attendees an overview of SE Active Lives survey. The presentation included how the strategy had changed since the Active People survey launched in 2005 and how the survey is aligned more closely to their Towards an Active Nation strategy.
It was felt by the division that as a result of the expanded amount of activities in the survey and Sport England’s new approach, in the future, funding may be moved towards activities that aren’t sports-related. Further members noted that there was, at present, no clear indication as to how the success of Sport England investment would be measured.
· Emma Boggis (EB) to raise SE performance measures at meeting with SE.
· Alliance to circulate SE presentation and Andrew Spiers’ email for any further questions.
Sport England- Active Lives Presentation
EB reported on the new strategy for the Sport and Recreation Alliance. Briefly outlining the 8 new principles and 4 new objectives that the strategy will be adhering to. Leigh Thompson (LT) also touched on the research undertaken by the around funding which was conducted following the last meeting and explained that the analysis revealed the majority of NGBs would see fall of 20-50% in investment made to date compared to the last funding cycle, although he explained it was difficult to make like for like comparisons given the bases of the funding allocations were different across the cycles. Members thought it may be helpful to capture the extent to which other organisations were receiving funding to deliver outcomes in their respective sports.
· Members to share information with the Alliance on where other organisations are receiving funding to deliver their respective sports/activities.
EB and LT explained that The Alliance had drafted a manifesto (which was subsequently published on Thursday 4th May) calling for the new government to place sport and recreation at the heart of the nation.
Hannah Murphy (HM) suggested clarifying the importance of expanding the school sports offer and also wanted greater clarity over the roles of public health agencies and SE.
Tim Payton (TP) similarly raised a concern over funding moving away from sport towards physical activity and health.
Members were asked whether they would find a suite of templated materials to engage with party candidates of use. It was agreed that given there are only five weeks until the election this was an unnecessary use of time.
· EB/LT to review manifesto in light of feedback (completed).
Members were asked to share their views on the Duty of Care Review. It was noted there was a focus on high performance athlete welfare with little reference to the role of the professional players association or the English Institute of Sport. It was noted that it was less likely that athletes that are happy would go out of their way to publicly express their feelings.
RFU noted it had already undertaken a review of activity against the report recommendations and considered that it performed well. Other members similarly felt it could be a good opportunity to demonstrate that general sports were implementing many of the measures already and that there was a benefit about being proactive about the issue. The group welcomed the suggestion to invite Baroness Grey-Thompson to the next meeting to provide an opportunity for members to demonstrate the work they were doing.
· Charlie Dewhirst (CD) to share Duty of Care matrix with Leigh Thompson (LT) at the Alliance (attached) to then be circulated.
· Alliance to invite Baroness Grey-Thompson to attend the next meeting.
Duty of Care Recommendations Matrix
A general update on where everyone is with the code and any challenges or actions due to the new Governance Code were discussed.
Rob Tate (RT) provided an update and indicated that Sport England had confirmed all sports should have completed the actions within their action plans by the end of October 2017.
However, feedback from the members in the room was that some sports are being pushed to meet this deadline, while others had been given more time to comply.
· EB to speak to DCMS re: Ministerial views on 31 Oct deadline.
· EB to raise concerns about Governance Code deadline at meeting with SE
Members shared how they plan to engage with the levy.
Ben Calveley (BC) was unsure whether to treat it as a tax or to use it to claw back funding. Either way felt that there wasn’t going to be massive change.
HM is currently exploring whether the ECB can create an academy programme to create apprenticeships for separate departments or draw on the levy for leadership courses to upskill existing staff.
James MacDougall (JM), stated that they are introducing an apprenticeship schemes for 10 apprentices at Wembley. They are also exploring whether stewarding can be brought into scheme.
· Members were encouraged to share notes on how they are going to manage the levy and Alliance to share with the wider group.
· EB to speak to DCMS re: Ministerial views on 31 Oct deadline
Thanks was given to TP for his work on the Digital Economy Bill. He stated the two methods that are going to be used to prevent ticket touting.
1. The creation of powers to deal with bulk ticket buying.
2. Having to provide a unique ticket number alongside seat, block and row number.
TP noted that the CMA review of the secondary market was ongoing and that sports would continue to push for more effective enforcement in the law.
· TP to circulate the CMA review once published (expected late autumn).
The attendees discussed high fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) foods and Sport England’s revised sponsorship guidance.
Recognising that it was important to point out that other sectors e.g. cinemas, tourist destinations should be treated in the same way. It was considered that there was an opportunity to be proactive in reporting on what sports are doing well in this area.
EB advised attendees to look at the Soil Association’s Food For Life catering mark as an example of how sports and venues could gain accreditation for the food served.
· Alliance to share link to HFSS guidelines and information about Soil Association’s catering mark with members – see links further below. Final version of the Sport England HFSS sponsorship guidance is also attached.
Ben Calveley (RFU) and Jane Nickerson (Swim England) were re-elected to their positions as Chair and Deputy Chair.
· None required
11. AOB
11.1 Corporation Tax
CD informed the group that the Corporation Tax deduction for grassroots expenditure has been postponed – all measures that have been taken out of the Finance Bill will be reintroduced at the next opportunity in parliament.
11.2 UKAD
LT flagged the Tailored Review of UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) and highlighted a number of areas where members may wish to feedback. TP highlighted the importance of not criminalising doping and maintaining the existing sports regulatory framework.
· Members to share UKAD responses with Alliance to inform Alliance response.
· UKAD Tailored Review consultation questions to be circulated (attached).
Anti Doping Tailored Review (UKAD)
11.3 Meetings postponed due to General Election
It was noted that two meetings had been postponed due to the General election. It is hoped these will be rescheduled for before the summer.
· A Cross Ministerial round table on safeguarding of sport.
The first meeting of the Sports Business Council co-chaired by the minister for Sport and Richard Scudamore, Executive Chairman, Premier League
· Wednesday 13th September
· Wednesday 22nd November
· Sports Summit 24th May
· AGM 11th July
Please reference ‘Extranet Access’ in the subject line.Please find more information on the Soil Association catering mark here: Active Lives presentation is attached. Andrew Spiers email address:
Minutes from the Major Spectator Sports Division Meeting- 3 May 2017
Angela Rippon CBE, alongside Lisa Wainwright MBE, CEO of the Sport and Recreation Alliance, the City of London Corporation and a whole host of Strictly Come Dancing stars, are officially launching Let’s Dance! at the City of London’s Guildhall on Saturday 8 February.
Read moreUK sports bodies invested a record £197.9m of broadcast revenues over the last year to grow their sport and support grassroots delivery.
Read moreTo mark the Alliance’s 90th anniversary, we are launching the Community Sport and Recreation Awards: Youth Edition 2025, which will celebrate the next generation of young leaders from across the sector.
Read moreJoining the Sport and Recreation Alliance is pretty simple, but worthwhile!
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