9 Feb 2017

Minutes from the Major Spectator Sports Division Meeting - 1 February 2017

Minutes from the Major Spectator Sports Division Meeting - 1 February 2017 news article image

Major Spectator Sports Division Meeting

Date:   Wednesday 1 February 2017

Time:   11:00am

Venue: Sport and Recreation Alliance, 14-16 Caxton Street, London, SW1H 0QT


In the Chair: Ben Calveley (RFU)

Deputy Chair: Jane Nickerson (Amateur Swimming Association)                                                                    

MEMBERS: Tanya Allen (England Golf), Richard Baldwin (Adviser to Sport and Recreation Alliance), Charlie Dewhirst (RFU), Norman Fletcher (PGA), James MacDougall (FA), Will Lambe (British Horseracing Authority), Hannah Murphy (ECB), Tim Payton (Sports Communications), Andy Reed (Sport and Recreation Alliance), Janice Shardlow (BEF)

ABSENT WITH APOLOGIES: Jonathan Day (Motor Sports Association), Kevan Taylor (UK Athletics), Simon Taylor (PFF)

IN ATTENDANCE: Emma Boggis (Chief Executive), Leigh Thompson (Policy Manager), Rob Arnott (Communications and Engagement Manager), Rob Tate (Governance Officer)


The Chair (Ben Calveley- BC) welcomed everyone to the meeting and read apologies. 


Attendees discussed Sport England’s funding process and the impact of the Government and Sport England strategies on the allocation of funding to NGBs in particular. There were serious concerns. There is a lot of uncertainty and Sport England (SE) are conducting the process very last minute and are heavily focused in public health outcomes – attendees believe that there is a policy bias against sport and NGBs. 


· Wait until 3rd February and then must develop a collective approach towards addressing the issue with SE.

· Potentially have a standalone meeting following 3rd May to put pressure on.

· Invite Sport England to the May meeting to explain further.

· The Alliance to coordinate the gathering of evidence around the process and to lead on the creation of a draft plan and campaign. 


Emma Boggis reported that Government wants to be helpful and we can influence. SE are writing a report to identify what the gaps are and to identify what needs to be addressed. Sports will be written to by SE. Issues that have been raised already include delays with DBS check, what is a regulated activity, the role of the CPSU and questions as to whether there should there be a UKAD type model to provide a central case management system. 

James MacDougall commented that it was important that we promote that the system has improved and is working well since 2001. 


· SRA to circulate 3 to 4 key points to Jayne Molyneux for the report. 


Leigh Thompson briefed attendees on the Government’s consultation on proposals to extend corporation tax relief for contributions to grassroots sport. The Government had set out draft legislative clauses to go into the Finance Bill and it was important that members looked at the legislation and responded where appropriate. The Alliance would draft a sector response emphasising the importance of:

· Allowing relief for grassroots expenditure spread over time e.g. where income generated from ‘one-off’ major events is reinvested across a number of years. This would support a sensible and strategic smoothing of grassroots expenditure.

· Ensuring the proposals are flexible enough to encompass the range of different subsidiary structures NGBs have and through which grassroots expenditure is incurred, including trading subsidiaries and county/regional bodies.

· Enabling central spend by NGBs which is directed at both grassroots and professional sport to be apportioned simply with relief applied to the grassroots element.

Tim Payton and Andy Reed noted that, in addition to the consultation, it may also be possible to seek amendments during the passage of the bill.

Richard Baldwin updated members on the Government’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) proposals. HMRC had issued an initial response to the first consultation confirming CASCs and charities were exempt from the requirements (albeit not their trading subsidiaries) but it had reserved its position on unincorporated businesses pending further consultation.


· LT to circulate draft Alliance response for comment


Rob Tate briefed attendees that the time tables about the length of time to become compliant are generous and that milestone one is a commitment to the framework. However, what that actually means all were unsure. Lengthy discussion occurred about how the CEO or Chair is the one to commit and that it needs to put through the Council or Board.


· Rob T to push Sport England on what is required by the 1st milestone.

· SRA to push for no unnecessary box ticking. We should be agreed at what we don’t want in there. 


Emma Boggis fed back from a recent round table meeting with the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport and Robin Walker MP from the Department of Exiting the EU (DExEU). In view of the Prime Minister’s recent speech it is now clear we are heading towards a ‘hard’ Brexit which means there are likely to be more challenges for the sector, for example in terms of tighter controls on immigration. DCMS is seeking input so it is an opportunity for the sector to help influence its thinking in this area. 


· Andy Reed to circulate the PPF briefing paper. 


Tim Payton gave an update of progress noting that amendments to the Digital Economy Bill would be considered to strengthen provisions around the resale of tickets for sporting events. In addition, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) was investigating the secondary ticketing platforms and, depending on the outcome, could take enforcement action.

8. AOB

8.1 Baroness Heyhoe-Flint

Members noted the sad passing of Baroness Heyhoe-Flint and put on record their appreciation for her support to the sports sector during her time in Parliament.

8.2 HFSS

Tim gave an update. Advice to be put into a Sport England Sponsorship Advisory Notes. 

No actions 

8.3 Apprenticeship Levy

Hannah Murphy updated attendees on the Apprenticeship Levy and the potential impact on NGBs. The new regime will require some NGBs to pay the levy but it is not clear whether they will be able to recoup the same amount through training e.g. sports coaches as the amount reimbursed per coach was relatively low. Jane Nickerson noted that the ASA had introduced an apprenticeship scheme that operated across the organisation i.e. including central functions such as finance and this had been successful. She agreed to share details with the members.

Hannah Murphy also highlighted the fact that a shift towards an employer-led model for apprenticeships had sparked some interest from HMRC inspectors in academy players and in particular whether they were being paid the National Minimum Wage. Attendees indicated that they were unaware of anything similar within their sports but would keep under review.


Jane to share details of ASA apprenticeship scheme. 

8.4 Royal Passing 

The RFU have communicated with the Cabinet Office and DCMS and they were both receptive and happy to talk about the plans if/when the Queen or Prince Phillip pass on. 

HM The Queen = D + 10 days of mourning

Prince Phillip = D + 8 days of mourning 

Government want business as usual on the actual day if you have a fixture/match. The funerals would be on a week day. It would be important to gauge the national mood as to whether sporting events would occur, and considering the level of that event during the period of mourning. 


RFU to circulate their draft policy with group. 


  • Wednesday 3 May
  • Wednesday 13 September
  • Wednesday 22 November


· Alliance Learning Week on Ethics, Equality and Governance 13-17 March

· 2017 Sport Summit 24 May

Minutes from the Major Spectator Sports Division Meeting - 1 February 2017

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