14 Dec 2016

Minutes from the Major Spectator Sports Division Meeting - 23 November 2016

Minutes from the Major Spectator Sports Division Meeting - 23 November 2016 news article image

Major Spectator Sports Division Meeting

Date:   Wednesday 23 November 2016

Time:   11:00am

Venue: Sport and Recreation Alliance, 14-16 Caxton Street, London, SW1H 0QT


In the Chair: Ben Calveley (RFU)

Deputy Chair: Jane Nickerson (Amateur Swimming Association)

MEMBERS: Richard Baldwin (Adviser to Sport and Recreation Alliance), Charlie Dewhirst (RFU), Norman Fletcher (PGA), Will Lambe (British Horseracing Authority), Fredrik Lindgren (PGA European Tour), David Mahoney (ECB), Hannah Murphy (ECB), Katie Nixon (LTA), Tim Payton (Sports Communications), Andy Reed (Sport and Recreation Alliance), Kevan Taylor (UK Athletics), Vincent Thorne (RFU)

ABSENT WITH APOLOGIES: Jonathan Day (Motor Sports Association), Rob Jones (Motor Sports Association), Chantel Scherer (Director of Marketing, Communications and Member Engagement)

IN ATTENDANCE: Emma Boggis (Chief Executive), James Allen (Director of Policy, Governance and External Affairs), Leigh Thompson (Policy Manager), Rob Tate (Governance Officer), Robert Gill (Policy Support Officer)               


The Chair (Ben Calveley- BC) welcomed everyone to the meeting, 

The minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 29 September 2016 were approved and signed by the Chair. 


Attendees discussed a number of current policy issues and agreed action points when appropriate. 

(i) UK Governance Code

James Allen gave attendees an overview of the new UK Governance Code. Attendees then discussed particular aspects of the code that might prove more challenging, noting that some NGBs would need to agree a sensible timetable for compliance with Sport England/UK Sport. 


· No actions were taken over this issue  

(ii) Sport England Strategy/Funding

Attendees discussed Sport England’s funding process and the impact of the Government and Sport England strategies on the allocation of funding to NGBs in particular. Overall, while attendees understood the direction set out in Sporting Future and Towards an Active Nation, it was felt that the extent of the likely reduction in funding may go too far with negative impacts on the provision of the sporting offer. In addition, the staggered approach adopted by Sport England to releasing funding pots made strategic planning difficult – in some cases NGBs were having to lay off staff in the short term as there was little certainty over longer term arrangements.  


· Attendees should share with DCMS the status of their discussions with Sport England so as to ensure DCMS is aware of any concerns and potential impacts on the delivery of broader Sporting Future objectives.        

(iii) HFSS Sponsorship and Obesity Strategy

Tim Payton and James Allen updated attendees on the latest developments on HFSS sponsorship and the Government’s obesity strategy. Attendees discussed the pros and cons of signing up to some form of ’light touch’ guidance designed to give broad advice on the issues to consider if engaging with high fat, salt or sugar sponsors.  

James Allen pointed out that Sport England have produced ethical guidelines on HFSS sponsorship but had not promoted it particularly well.  As such, there was a case for promoting these guidelines more widely rather than produce additional advice.


· James Allen and Tim Payton to monitor developments and to discuss with DCMS, and to report back to MSSD at the next meeting.   

(iv) DCMS Call for Evidence: Review of Gaming Matches and Social Responsibility Measures

Leigh Thompson briefed attendees on the DCMS call for evidence on gaming matches and social responsibility measures. The Alliance has already drafted a response to the consultation, which will be circulated to members for comments. Attendees discussed the effect of the potential Government changes to the regulation of sports betting advertising and, potentially, sponsorship noting the negative impact on sports that are particularly closely associated with betting e.g. horseracing  


Leigh Thompson to circulate to members the Alliance’s response for comments.  

(Afternote: Action complete)

(v) Corporation Tax

Leigh Thompson updated attendees on corporation tax including forthcoming proposals on deductibility for grassroots expenditure and the Government’s Making Tax Digital consultation.  

Action: Leigh Thompson to put the Alliance’s response to the Making Tax Digital consultation on the Alliance’s website. 

(vi) Anti-doping/criminalisation

Leigh Thompson and Tim Payton updated attendees on a proposed amendment to the Policing and Crime Bill submitted by Lord Moynihan which aims to make doping a criminal offence.  They also noted that DCMS are planning on reviewing current doping legislation and that the Commons Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport is leaning towards calling for doping to be criminalised.  

Attendees discussed these developments and what the criminalisation of doping would mean for the sector, noting the potential complications that would need to be addressed. 


· The Alliance will circulate a note around to attendees posing a series of questions for NGB’s to consider 

(vii) Secondary Ticketing

Attendees discussed a review by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) into secondary ticketing platforms and the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee inquiry into the same subject. 

Tim Payton updated on wider efforts to tackle the issues associated touts harvesting large numbers of tickets for resale in the secondary market, noting that amendments had been put into the Digital Economy Bill to outlaw the use of bots which may help to partly address this problem. He further indicated that there would be value in convening a meeting of sports bodies in January 2017 to coordinate activity on secondary ticketing issues.  


· TP to circulate a date/time for January meeting

(Afternote: action complete)


James Allen updated attendees on proposed changes to the Alliance’s Voluntary Code of Good Governance, including a rebrand to avoid confusion with the UK Governance Code. He asked that if any members had any ideas to feed into the revised code to contact him. 

Action: Any attendees who would like to feed into the new voluntary code to contact James Allen

The Unpaid Work Experience Bill was raised and attendees discussed concerns that sports volunteers could potentially fall under any ban of unpaid internships. It was agreed that the Alliance would maintain a watching brief.

The Chair raised the EU Commission’s proposed General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Leigh Thompson explained the GDPR will replace the Data Protection Act and pointed out that it will likely come into law before the UK leaves the EU. In practice, there would probably be a need for transition arrangements and new legislation to replace the GDPR once Brexit has occurred. LT further noted that the precise drafting of the GDPR could have implications for sport where personal data is processed, for example to manage anti-doping and sports betting integrity issues.

Action: Attendees should make themselves familiar with the GDPR and its potential impact on their activities.  


  • Wednesday 1 February
  • Wednesday 3 May
  • Wednesday 13 September
  • Wednesday 22 November


· 2017 Sport Summit 24 May, Kia Oval

Minutes from the Major Spectator Sports Division Meeting - 23 November 2016

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