20 Feb 2018

Games and Sports Divisional Meeting Minutes - 14 February 2018

Games and Sports Divisional Meeting Minutes - 14 February 2018 news article image

Date: Wednesday 14 February 2018

Time: 11:00

Venue: Gateley Plc, 1 Paternoster Sq., London EC4M 7DX


In the Chair– Janie Frampton (Sports Officials UK)

Deputy Chair - James Hope-Gill (Skateboard England)


Neil Armitage (Archery GB), Ashley Brown (Supporters Direct), Mike Gunn (English Chess Federation), Diana King (Royal Aero Club), Oliver Holt (UK Coaching), Dominic Sacco (British Esports Association), Geoff Webb (Institute of Groundsmanship), Lynda Williams (Panathlon Challenge), Karen Tonge OBE (Para Table Tennis), Toby Manning (British Go Association), Dave Renouf (British Association of Snowsport Instructors), Ron Tulley (England Boxing), Pam Burrage (National Council for School Sport), Gary Harris (British Rowing)


Tony Allcock (Bowls England), Bob Poynton (Karate Union of Great Britain), Marcus Kingwell (AOC Sport), Mike Spinks (English Schools' Football Association), Mark Winder (Goalball UK), David Meli (England Handball), Barry Horne (EFDS), Sally Munday (England Hockey), Chris Jones (England Athletics), Chris Smith (England Handball), Alaina McGregor (British Blind Sport), Colin Nicholson (British Wrestling), Michelle Fulford (British Gymnastics), John Boyd (Baseball Softball UK)


Emma Boggis (CEO), James Allen (Director of Policy and Governance), Rob Arnott (Communications and Engagement Manager), Rob Tate (Governance Manager), Marianna Sikorowska (Governance Officer), Tom Morgan (Membership Development Officer), Pat Smith MBE (SRA Vice President)

Claire Arnott – Claire Arnott Consulting



Janie Frampton (JF) welcomed everyone and provided a brief explanation of the agenda.


Members were offered an opportunity to share issues and discuss best practice.

Dave Renouf (DR) from the British Association of Snowsport Instructors (BASI) provided a description of his duties and BASI as an organisation and followed up with a presentation put together by the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) and BASI on Brexit and its impact on sports instructors.

The presentation is provided at the end of the minutes.

ACTION – Members to contact Dave (dave@basi.org.uk) or Jeanette Hopkins of the RYA (Jeanette.Hopkins@rya.org.uk) with any questions relating to the presentation.

ACTION – James Allen (Sport and Recreation Alliance) will be giving evidence at a House of Lords Select Committee on the impact of Brexit on sport on Wednesday 21 February. He is especially interested in practical examples from the sector of the likely impact of Brexit on sport and recreation. Please send relevant information to jallen@sportandrecreation.org.uk


Independent consultant Claire Arnott (CA) delivered a presentation on funding and explained the various sources and types of funds available. Her presentation included practical pointers on how to develop a strategic fundraising plan and what to include in bids.

The room was then asked for questions.

Dominic Sacco (DS) asked for advice on where to begin when it comes to funding small e-sport startups. CA suggested applying for a small seed grant or crowd funding as a good place to start.

Toby Manning (TM) asked for guidance on the value of grants available. CA explained that grants can vary dramatically but that trusts and foundations will only award funds to the value they believe an organisation can handle.

Members were asked to give examples of how and when they have secured funding successfully.

Geoff Webb (GW) shared some experiences and successes from the Institute of Grounsdmanship when applying for a particular grant recently and the fact that having plenty of evidence and stats was the key to securing a further 3 years of funding.

Emma Boggis (EB) spoke about the British Mountaineering Council and their Mend our Mountains: Make One Million campaign which aims to raise £1 million for a range of vital path repair projects across Britain’s 15 National Parks.

Mike Gunn (MG) mentioned the English Chess Federation success in running and gaining funding for competitions in Gibraltar and how they were able to tie in the tournament with making a positive impact on tourism.

Ashley Brown (AB) described how a member of Supporters Direct successfully secured crowd funding by appealing to a great deal of people with similar interests in a local community. The example of Portsmouth FC raising £275k to build academy pitches and invest in youth and community was given.

EB referenced British Cycling’s partnership with HSBC and the presentation they gave at the Alliance Fit For The Future Convention. 

The presentations are available at the end of the minutes.


a. An update on the Membership Review

Rob Arnott (RA) provided an overview of the membership review and thanked members for their contributions.

RA stated that the three key areas identified as being very important by members include, being part of a collective voice, being kept up to date with sector news and having access to our expertise – such as governance, policy and crisis comms support and advice.

The Alliance will be working towards providing more tailored services to members are  these three main criteria moving forward.

b. An introduction to the Alliance Hub

Tom Morgan (TM) gave a presentation outlining some of the key features of the Alliance Hub. He explained that further guidance on how to use the Hub is available on the Alliance website (https://www.sportandrecreation.org.uk/pages/alliance-hub)

ACTION -  Members are invited to contact TM with any questions or issues they may have with accessing the Hub and its features – tmorgan@sportandrecration.org.uk

c. Alliance approach to mental health

EB provided a recap of the Mental Health Charter, the progress the Charter has made since the launch in March 2015 and the three main aims of the MHC.

EB also explained that the Sports Minister recently hosted two round table meetings to look at mental health in elite sport. The action plan for this work is expected to be published in March

ACTION - Members are encouraged to send any questions about joining the charter to policy@sportandrecreation.org.uk

ACTION – Members to provide evidence of how they have used to the Charter in celebration of the 3rd anniversary. Please send to policy@sportandrecreation.org.uk

ACTION – Members are able to sign up to the Charter via the Alliance website (https://www.sportandrecreation.org.uk/policy/the-mental-health-charter/sign-up-to-the-charter)


Diana King (DK) requested an update from the Alliance on support around GDPR.

EB highlighted the GDPR hub on the Alliance website as a resource for members. She also explained that the Alliance has asked Sport England to support the production of a suite of GDPR templates, policies and resources for members to use. Members will be kept informed of this work in the coming weeks.

Oliver Holt (OH) asked members to support the first national coaching week between the 4-10 June. The focus this year is on the broader understanding and definition of coaching, and is to include emphasis on business leaders, teachers, mentors and not just traditional coaches.

(BASI and RYA presentation to be here)

(Fundraising presentation to be here)

(British Cycling and HSBC presentation to be here)

Minutes from the Games and Sports Divisional Meeting - 14 February 2018

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