23 Oct 2015

Economic value of outdoor recreation to be debated in Westminster Hall

Economic value of outdoor recreation to be debated in Westminster Hall news article image

Conservative MP David Rutley has successfully secured a place in the ballot for a Westminster Hall Debate to discuss the Economic Value of Outdoor Recreation.

The debate will take place at 14:30 next Wednesday, 28 October, and is open to all Members of Parliament wishing to attend and speak on the subject.

Emma Boggis, Chief Executive of the Sport and Recreation Alliance said:

"The Sport and Recreation Alliance has been working closely with the Outdoor Industries Association (OIA) and our members including the British Mountaineering Council (BMC) and the Ramblers to ensure that outdoor recreation gets the priority it deserves. We are very pleased that this important topic has been chosen for debate, and hope that it will provide an opportunity for MPs to highlight the benefits to individuals, society and the UK economy of promoting participation in outdoor recreation.

“Outdoor recreation is the UK’s favourite pastime; our Reconomics report found that in 2013 42.4 million adults in England visited the natural environment, generating a visitor spend of £27 billion.

"When people get active outdoors it creates jobs and reduces the burden on the health service. Outdoor education is also a crucial part of children’s learning. But despite the huge value of the outdoors, there is no joined-up approach from Government on outdoor recreation in England. The Government has now agreed to consider an outdoor strategy and we believe that it could make all the difference to the economy and to participants."

David Rutley MP, said of his successful ballot bid: “I am delighted to have secured this vital debate. The timing is important with the consultation on Sports Strategy having just been concluded earlier in the month and with the Spending Review underway. This is a real opportunity to underline the economic and wider benefits of outdoor recreation: increasing participation in sports and activities; improving physical health and mental wellbeing; and supporting the rural visitor economy. I hope the debate will help make the case for outdoor recreation to be integrated in the Sports Strategy going forward.”

Andrew Denton, CEO OIA, said “We know from our research for Sport England that over 18 million people want to re-engage with the outdoors. Government departments need to come together to act on this and ensure that the potential of being active in the natural environment is realised.”

As part of its ‘Five-point plan for a more active population’, the Alliance is calling on the Prime Minister to appoint a minister with specific responsibility for the outdoors to deliver a coordinated, long-term strategy for outdoor recreation.

Full details of next weeks debate can be found here.

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