5 Apr 2011

Alliance positively influences Lords report on sport and the EU

Alliance positively influences Lords report on sport and the EU news article image

The Sport and Recreation Alliance is delighted to learn of the positive outcome of some of its recent advocacy work on behalf of the sector. Earlier in the year, we went in to give evidence to a House of Lords’ sub-committee on sport and Europe. And the committee has now published its report, which reflects many of the concerns of our members.

The House of Lords EU Sub-Committee on Social Policies and Consumer Protection’s report looks at how the EU can maximise the potential of sport in its own policy-making and delivery and how it can help member states to do likewise. The Sport and Recreation Alliance has been following the progress of the inquiry closely and was actively involved in providing both written and oral evidence to the committee.

The main conclusions of the report make for welcome reading. Several recommendations put forward by Sport and Recreation Alliance have been endorsed by the committee. These include the inclusion of sport within the framework of structural funds, the consideration of sport in work on digital piracy at EU level and an examination of the merits of a financial ‘fair return’ for sport from the gambling industry. The report also highlights sport’s capacity to deliver on core policy objectives in health, education, employment and social spheres. Other recommendations include the creation of a web portal to allow grassroots organisations to interact across Europe and stronger dialogue between the European Commission and sports organisations.

Sport and Recreation Alliance chief executive Tim Lamb said, ‘The inclusion of these recommendations is really pleasing for both the Alliance and its members, who would benefit significantly if these policy suggestions are progressed. Grassroots sport would benefit enormously from greater access to European funding for national sports projects, while extra revenues generated from gambling and stricter digital piracy regulation would also see increased money available for sport at all levels.’

The Sport and Recreation Alliance endorses the conclusions drawn in the report and will continue to lobby European policy-makers on behalf of our members to try and get the best deal possible for sport.

The report - Grassroots Sport and the European Union

Committee chair, Baroness Hornsey, talks about the EU Committees report on Grassroots Sport and the EU

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