8 Apr 2014

All-Party Commission on Physical Activity calls for a national plan of action to get people active

All-Party Commission on Physical Activity calls for a national plan of action to get people active news article image

The All-Party Commission on Physical Activity has today published a report which sets out the challenges the UK faces from physical inactivity.

The commission is directed by parliamentarians including Baroness Grey-Thompson, Gerry Sutcliffe, Barbara Keeley, Julian Huppert and Charlotte Leslie – all of whom have a strong track record of promoting sport and physical recreation in Westminster.

Tackling Physical Inactivity – A Coordinated Approach, is the first of two reports from the commission and focusses on five themes:

  • A national plan of action – calling for a cross-party and cross-sector national plan of action to target declining levels of physical activity.
  • Getting the message out – an innovative communications strategy to reach differing audiences.
  • Designing physical activity back in to our everyday lives – promoting active travel, active workplaces, and new infrastructure.
  • Making physical activity a lifelong habit – sparking children’s interest in physical activity in schools and making sure that lessons are Ofsted evaluated.
  • Proving success – proposing the need for measurement and evaluation of physical activity interventions.

Commenting on the Tackling Physical Inactivity – A Coordinated Approach report, Sport and Recreation Alliance’s Interim Chief Executive, Sallie Barker pressed the need for action.

"This is an important contribution to what is arguably the biggest issue facing the UK today. We've got to get Britain moving again and we've got to do it fast.

"The costs of inactivity in twenty and thirty years are so big that the numbers have become almost meaningless. But even if we can't conjure with the figures, the impact will be felt by all of us - in the health system, in our families, in our communities.

"There's an urgent need now to circle our wagons and start fighting back. We need a joined-up plan which operates across government at all levels and gets people off their sofas. We've all got a role to play, whether it's being more active ourselves our helping others to get moving. But the important thing is that we don't waste any more time."

Download the Tackling Physical Inactivity – A Coordinated Approach report

Read more about the benefits of sport and recreation in the Alliance’s Game of Life report.

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