3 Jun 2020

Youth Panel highlight power of volunteering

Youth Panel highlight power of volunteering news article image

Ellie Watkins

Rashan McDonald

"On the Youth Advisory Panel, I think the main benefit we all have is having the chance to develop and to do all we can to help the future of young people. We have so many training and travelling opportunities which lead to whole new experiences being developed.

"In the volunteering sector, you will meet some of the most amazing people, with such a giving heart and amazing character. These could be essential connections that you could benefit from later in life."

Connor Belle

Jack Spencer-Jones

Matt Chilvers

"For me, volunteering is so important because giving people the opportunity to play sport, improve their health and experience increased social contact is essential.  I get so much out of sport and I want others to have the same opportunity.

"Being on the panel has given me confidence to present my views in public. It has opened up other unique opportunities like going to parliament to speak to MPs and has helped to make me more employable."

Cameron Wood

Young volunteers have a vast amount to give. If you’re an organisation looking for support, sign up to our Volunteer Opportunity Finder to connect with these all-important individuals and get the help you need.

The Alliance is committed to giving young people a voice as we continue to develop our work around children and young people. Find out more about the Youth Advisory Panel here.

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