27 Nov 2014

Why we need a Run to Work scheme, like Cycle to Work.

Why we need a Run to Work scheme, like Cycle to Work.  news article image

The number of people choosing to run to or from work as an alternative mode of transport has nearly tripled in the last two years. As a result, Gordon Lott of Run2Work, reasons there should be a Run to Work scheme so encourage more to ditch the train and get into their trainers.

We’ve inadvertently designed physical activity out of modern life, leading thousands of people to an early death every year. Physical activity in the UK is the lowest of any nation in the western world; and obesity and type 2 diabetes are at record levels.

The Department of Health puts the cost for obesity-related illnesses at £5 billion a year. The direct financial impact of physical inactivity to the NHS is an estimated £1.06 billion per year.

It’s time for change. Regular exercise reduces the risk of dying early by 30 per cent and halves the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A Run to Work Scheme will encourage hundreds of thousands of people to incorporate jogging or running to, at or from work on a regular basis, even if only for 20 minutes at a time.

Just look at the highly acclaimed Cycle to Work scheme that has created mass behavioural change. According to the Cycle to Work Alliance and Jane Ellison MP, Minister for Public Health, the scheme saves an estimated 509 deaths a year and reduces government expenditure by £5.1bn over a ten year period.

Costing just £132m to date, the scheme delivers an ROI (Return on Investment) of 39:1 before you even factor in the un-calculable value of saving lives.

Over 750,000 people cycle to work on a regular basis, and more than 550,000 people do so through a Cycle to Work scheme.
Within the existing Cycle to Work scheme you can buy a jacket, top, fleece, headlamp and running shoes at Halfords, all for cycling to work, and receive a 42% discount off the retail price. But you can only do this if you cycle to work, not if you just want to run to work. Madness.

We’re asking the Government to simply clarify the existing Cycle to Work legislation to allow employers to offer the same benefits as part of an approved Run to Work scheme. A new scheme will inspire and oblige other valuable changes to support people being more healthy at work, including requiring developers to install more showers in offices.

86% of people say a tax-free Run to Work scheme will incentivise more people to run to, at or from work, and 97% say employers should install more showers and lockers in offices.

What will a New Run to Work scheme achieve:

• Incentivise 250,000 people to get active and healthy through jogging and running to/at/from work within ten years, of which more than half would not have run regularly before joining scheme.
• Save people up to £100, or 42% of the average cost of £250 for running shoes and clothing for running to work
• At a cost of £25m, HMRC will save government expenditure of up to £950m over a ten year period.
• Enable employers to reap the benefits of a more healthy and productive workforce.
• Take a leap forward in reducing public transport congestion.
• Save hundreds of lives.

In order to highlight the benefits of running to work and calling for a policy change, Run2Work are launching Run2WorkDay on Thursday 4 December to encourage more people to run to work. Find out more about it here.

Run2Work can also be followed on Twitter @r2wGroup


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