13 Feb 2017

Minutes from the Movement and Dance Division Meeting- 8 February 2017

Minutes from the Movement and Dance Division Meeting- 8 February 2017 news article image

Movement and Dance Division Meeting

Date: Wednesday 8 February 2017

Time: 11:00am

Venue: Farrer & Co, 66 Lincolns Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3LH


In the Chair: Tracy Levy (Margaret Morris Movement International Ltd)

ABSENT WITH APOLOGIES Deputy Chair: Ansell Chezan (UKA Dance)                                                          

MEMBERS: Lillian Aubrey (Northern Counties Dance Teachers Association Ltd), Colin Corbett (Guild of Professional Teachers of Dance), Diane Corbett (ADFP), Nicola Gaines (The Dalcroze Society), Jacqueline Harper (Margaret Morris Movement International Ltd), Pat Hawkins (UK Cheerleading Association), Lisa Marucci (Language of Dance Centre), Patrick McGeough (WDSA UK), Annette Pearson (NATD), Margaret Peggie (Fitness League), Ross Perriam (EMDP), Louise Sampson (ISTD), Ann Thomson (Extend), Julie Tomkins (ISTD), Jane Tumelty (IDTA), Hilary Weedon (Medau Society), Jan Williams (BATD)

ABSENT WITH APOLOGIES: Emma Boggis (CEO, Sport and Recreation Alliance), Janice Moore (Keep Fit Association)

IN ATTENDANCE:             

Chantel Scherer (Director of Marketing, Communications and Member Engagement), Rob Arnott (Communications and Engagement Manager), Lucy Katan (Membership Development Officer)


Tracy welcomed all to the meeting and congratulations to all who received honours.

Actions: List of honours to be distributed to all delegates

2. CSPs

Adrian Ledbury gave an overview of the services and programmes of the CSP network. The CSP Network is there to support them, but they are all independent and self-managed. They cover the whole of England. 70% of income is from Sport England and 28% of expenditure was distributed to partners for local delivery. CSPs are ‘partner neutral’ and work business to business. CSPs connect all the partnerships together. The movement and dance organisations are part of that. 


· All are to explore opportunities to link with the work of the CSPs and to encourage members to connect with their local CSPs

· All to have a think about the support they would like from CSPs in the future and how to work together.  

· All need to go to our local CSPs and press for dance to be included. If any negative feedback with CSPs then Adrian is happy to support. 

CSPN Presentation

3. VAT

Phil Salmon from Haysmacintyre – HMRC are running a campaign regarding private tutors. It used to be exempt from VAT. Education is exempt from VAT. The key points include

‘The supply of private tuition, in a subject ordinarily taught in a school or university, by an individual teacher acting independently of an employer.’

HMRC can back date a tax liability by 20 years. Phil talked through the HMRC v Cheruvier Case (belly dancing) and explained the cases of yoga, pilates and motocross.

There is nothing published by HMRC about this active campaign, but it certainly appears to be an issue. VAT threshold is currently £83k. This would not affect many members (dance instructors) as they wouldn’t meet the threshold. 

None of the 4 individuals were properly represented. If going to court, must be represented properly. 

Mr Rashy is a tax consultant and has been contracted to represent a couple of dance schools. A closed hearing happened on 30th November, where HMRC were challenged on the term ‘educational’. It will go to the High Court. 

The 4 cases referred to by Phil Salmon can be found here: 






· It was suggested that a test case was taken and that it is demonstrated that dance is commonly taught and that there are external examinations, syllabus etc. The more evidence that can be pulled together by professional representation the better.

· The presentation is to be shared by the Alliance.

· Phil agreed to attend the next meeting to deliver an update. Need to solve the issue as whole sector and come together. 

VAT Presentation


Chantel presented on the happenings surrounding safeguarding, as a result of the historical cases in football. The Alliance has included safeguarding on each divisional meeting agenda. Sport England and DCMS are working together to audit the current safeguarding provision and identify the gaps in provision. It was acknowledged that originally dance was not included and that has been amended. Discussions surrounding disability and inclusion – particularly within facilities. Very few cases of abuse in the dance sector, but we do need to be aware of our responsibilities and risks.


Feed any thoughts back to Alliance before the end of February.

Safeguarding Presentation


Chantel updated about work of the Alliance including Mental Health Charter, Alliance Learning Week, Members Survey and the new Alliance five-year strategy. 

No actions


Tracy has been re-elected as Chair, and search for a Vice Chair is required. The Division was asked for someone to come forward to this position. 

Actions: Recruit a Vice Chair

7. Twitter

@Sportrecdance twitter account has been now created and images to be sent of dancers to Tracy for use on the page.

Members re asked to use @sportrecdance win their tweet as well as #danceforhealth

Tracy explained that the account is for the promotion of dance as a physical activity.

8. AOB

Ross Perrin reminded everyone of the Classf Finder web site

Lisa Marucci reported she had attended a meeting of the London CID and their proposed event will be April 2018 at RADA.

Jacqueline Harper brought up an article from The Stage about unaccredited teachers.  Some members were aware of him and many are concerned about unaccredited teachers in their areas.


· Alliance Learning Week on Ethics, Equality and Governance 13-17 March

· Sports Summit 24 May

· Movement and Dance Divisional Meeting 4 October, Farrer & Co

Minutes from the Movement and Dance Meeting - 8 February 2017

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