6 Aug 2015

Leadership Convention 2015 - First speakers announced

Leadership Convention 2015 - First speakers announced news article image

The Sport and Recreation Alliance is hosting its 2015 Leadership Convention at the Crowne Plaza in Nottingham on the 3-4 November.

The Alliance Leadership Convention 2015 is the only event designed to provide top tier executives and non-execs in sport with the space, insight and opportunities to network and continue their development as leaders.

Building on our Fit for the Future report, this year’s Convention theme will focus on leading the future. Over two days, delegates will be challenged and exposed to various ideas and concepts from a great array of speakers that can inform their way of thinking and how they approach leadership.

Today, the names of the first two speakers for the Convention can be revealed:

The first is Craig Mathieson, world-renowned Polar Explorer.
As well as having many years’ experience in the military and as a mountaineer, Craig has expedition experience in both the Arctic and Antarctic regions. He has established ‘The Polar Academy’, a youth charity aimed at instilling confidence and self-belief through participation on polar expeditions. Craig's other roles have included HM Forces special advisor regarding Polar Training and guiding, and in 2013 appointed ‘Explorer-in-Residence’ by Royal Scottish Geographical Society.

The second speaker is Sir Martin Narey. Appointed Director General (Chief Executive) of the Prison Service in 1998, following a merger of Prisons and Probation in 2003, he became the first CEO of the National Offender Management Service. During this period he received the Chartered Institute of Management’s Gold Medal for Leadership, the first public sector recipient of this annual award for ten years.

He became Chief Executive of Barnardo’s in 2005 where he stayed for five years, during which he chaired The Campaign To End Child Poverty, and saw Barnardo’s grow by 40% to become, once again, the UK’s biggest children’s charity.

We will be announcing further details about other speakers and details of the agenda for the Leadership Convention in the near future.

An early-bird discount applies for those who book their space before 26 August. Last year’s Convention was a sell-out, so don’t delay, reserve your space.

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