14 May 2014

Health and safety guidance for sports clubs launched

Health and safety guidance for sports clubs launched news article image

The Health and Safety Executive has launched important new guidance on workplace health and safety assessments for sport and leisure clubs. The guidance is designed to counter accusations that health and safety requirements on clubs are onerous by making clear what a club's responsibilities are.

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the regulations made under it, apply to club organisers who are both employers and self-employed.

The law requires them to do what is reasonably practicable to ensure people's health and safety.

Anyone (including volunteers) with control of premises like a clubhouse or playing fields has a duty to see that the premises, access to them, equipment and substances provided are safe for the people using them.

The guidance is designed to act as a one-stop-shop for sports clubs and bodies and includes checklists and advice to help those running sports clubs to comply with health and safety law.

James Allen, Head of Policy, urges clubs to take note of the new guidance.

"All sport and recreation organisations that have employees must comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act.

"Some of the requirements of the Act may seem obvious but it is essential that those who are in charge at a community sports organisation understand them and make sure their organisation adheres to them.

"Whilst each individual governing body will have their own specific rules governing the health and safety of their participants, this government guidance should be of great help to community clubs that have employees. It's likely to be met with a sigh by some, but it's actually a very welcome step because it helps to shake off some of the myths about health and safety regulation, which can actually be a lot less onerous than many think. "

View the guidance.

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