10 Mar 2015

Governing bodies of sport aiming to `remain at the heart of the sports system' with new research

Governing bodies of sport aiming to `remain at the heart of the sports system' with new research news article image

The governing bodies of 39 sports funded by the government have come together to show the impact they have over and above delivering participation.

Pooling a range of data in areas like volunteering, medal-winning and international infuence, the sports have compiled the State of Play report, published today by Sheffield Hallam University Sport Industry Research Centre.

The research shows that 1.8 million people belong to sports clubs in England and that there are almost 2 million volunteers linked with national governing bodies. Between them, those governing bodies organised a staggering 3 million sports competitions over the last calendar year, supporting 50,000 clubs. NGBs hosted 317 major events in 2014, burnishing the UK's credentials for being one of the world's sporting centres. The research also captured the influence that our sports have overseas, with 161 posts in international federations held by representatives of English governing bodies.

Professor Simon Shibli, Head of Sheffield Hallam University Sport Industry Research Centre, believes that the reseach shows the wider difference which NGBs make.

"Our research demonstrates the huge impact NGBs are making in the delivery of sport in England at community and elite level, and their growing infuence in international sports administration. The fact that over one million more people belong to a sports club than the combined total of all UK political party membership says much about how sport matters to the wider population."

Adrian Christy, chair of the CEO Forum which commissioned the research, says the data provides good evidence to support the longstanding policy of funding governing bodies.

"We want to ensure that NGBs remain at the heart of the sports system and that NGB funding is maintained to enable us to build on the significant progess achieved over the last decade."

He added, in an echo of one of the Alliance's major asks under its Ministers' To-Do List project, that a more coordinated approach to sports policy from government would help build on that progress.

"We are calling for an overall vision for sport that aligns central and local government with NGBs and stakeholders in the sporting landscape, enabling a seamless system from school and community sport through to the podium."

The full report can be found here.

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