7 May 2015

Get Out & Get Active -Spirit of 2012 Funding Announcement

Get Out & Get Active -Spirit of 2012 Funding Announcement news article image

Spirit of 2012, an independent trust that funds projects that empower people to get out, get active and feel better has announced that it will commit a £4.5m grant to increase participation in physical activity and volunteering across the UK.

The grant unveiled today is a central element of Spirit of 2012's continuing contribution to the Olympic and Paralympic Legacy, and will be awarded following a two stage application process early next year as Rio gears up to host the Games.

The funding, which is under the banner of Get Out & Get Active (GOGA), will promote fully inclusive physical activity and was developed in consultation with public health, sport, active leisure and disability stakeholders.

The grant represents Spirit of 2012's response to the increasing evidence base, globally and in the UK, of the adverse impacts of inactive lifestyles on premature mortality, a range of chronic diseases and morbidities and on mental health and general wellbeing. It is also intended to increase inclusive community participation in, and enjoyment of, a whole host of recreational activities and to include a high quality volunteer training and development programme.

Spirit of 2012 are looking for applications from partnerships/consortia of organisations that between them have the demanding blend of skills, knowledge and experience to deliver the on the aims of programme. Applications for the grant need to be led by a Lead Partner who must be able to demonstrate that they have the organisational capacity and/or partnerships in place to project manage both delivery and a £4.5m grant over up to 4 years.

But the Lead Partner will need to engage with named National Delivery Partners - organisations from across the UK with a national reputation and a record of delivering in a relevant area such as disability sport, leadership development, mass participation events or public health commissioned exercise referral. And in turn they will need Local Delivery Partners in each individual local area they are looking to work in. Spirit have identified organisations such as local Public Health partners, County Sports Partnerships in England or Community Sports Hubs in Scotland as potential local delivery partners.


So whatever type of organisation you are, there may be scope for you to get engaged with this work and consider how you can help people Get Out and Get Active.

Organisations that are interested in GOGA must complete the online Spirit of 2012 Eligibility Checker and should also refer to the FAQ document. There is then an opportunity to attend a Briefing Workshop in London on 2nd June 2015 to learn more about the grant opportunity and to initiate conversations around potential partnerships

Debbie Lye, Chief Executive of Spirit said: "We believe that GOGA, and the lessons we learn from it, will provide innovative good practice models to boost wellbeing, inform public policy, generate corporate and voluntary sector investment and encourage individuals of all ages and abilities to enjoy healthier lifestyles for years to come."

To find out more about Get Out & Get Active, click here.


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