Member Benefits
Whether you're looking to become a member, or you're already one, you'll find all the benefits here!
Podcasts and Webinars
These podcasts and webinars are part of our Governance Training Programme which offer you expert guidance and training around The Principles of Good Governance for Sport and Recreation and has been developed by the in-house Alliance Governance team for our members and specifically for the sector.
The Principles of Good Governance
The Principles of Good Governance for Sport and Recreation is an essential tool for any sport and recreation organisation that aspires to the highest standards of governance and organisational performance.
Research & Publications
Strong research and evidence are key to informing the work we do here at the Alliance.
Implementing The Principles
The governance library contains a selection of guidance and resources to support your implementation of The Principles of Good Governance. The information contained here is designed to help sport and recreation organisations develop effective organisational structures, policies, procedures and governance. Over time we'll be adding further resources, but if there's a resource you're looking for now and can't find please contact us.
Legal Panel Framework
Sport England, the Sport and Recreation Alliance, Sport Wales and UK Sport have teamed up to establish a framework panel of law firms to provide legal services to national governing bodies of sport and recreation.
Help we provide
To support the development of good governance in the sector, the Alliance facilitates governance related training for its members
Alliance Directors Club
The Alliance Directors Club is a unique hub for existing and aspirant board directors in sport and recreation
Voluntary Code of Good Governance
The Voluntary Code was first published in 2011, and revised in 2014, to create an aspirational target for good governance in sport and recreation. As predecessor to the 2017 Principles of Good Governance, the document is a tool built on the value of helping Boards perform their role effectively, through the implementation of our seven principles of good governance. The Principles of Good Governance for Sport and Recreation, launched at the annual Sports Summit in May 2017, has superseded the Voluntary Code, taking on the same message of gold standard good governance whilst taking account of updates in the sector and providing additional resources and support. You can find out more about the updated document and how to sign up by searching for The Principles of Good Governance for Sport and Recreation on our Governance homepage.