Our sector has a wide-ranging impact

Here are just some of the numbers that demonstrate why sport and recreation is so vital for the health and happiness of the nation. More data is on its way - check back soon!


How many people take part in the recommended amount of sport or physical activity every week?

This chart illustrates how many adults and children take part in the recommended amount of sport or physical activity every week, based on the Chief Medical Officer's guidelines (150 minutes moderate intensity activity a week for adults, 60 minutes for children), and reported by Sport England. Hover over the chart to find out the numbers.

What healthcare savings could the United Kingdom make by getting active?

There are sizeable savings to be made if the United Kingdom increased its levels of activity. Research from the Alliance shows that the UK is joint-11th in terms of activity levels compared to our European neighbours.

The chart on the left shows the healthcare savings that could be made if the UK were as active as each of those countries.


Activity is beneficial for our mental health

Data from Sport England's Active Lives Survey shows that the more active you are, the better your mental wellbeing is - both short and long-term.

There is still room for improvement: significant inequalities exist

As the charts on the left show, there are inequalities in activity in England across the lines of gender, race, disability and socio-economic background. It is also noticeable that far fewer children in general reach the recommended weekly level of activity, in comparison to adults.

Data is from the most recent Active Lives Adults and Children surveys, undertaken by Sport England.


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