Closing date: 12th March 2025
Thank you for your interest in becoming an Elected Director of the Sport and Recreation Alliance.
The Sport and Recreation Alliance believes that the power of sport and recreation can change lives and bring communities together. With our members, and in partnership with the wider sector, we seek to make the most of opportunities and face up to the areas that challenge us.
Our 2021-2025 strategy came at a critical juncture for both society and our sector. The COVID-19 pandemic reinforced both the importance of sport, recreation and physical activity to the lives of individuals and communities but also highlighted how easily it could be taken away. Now, more than ever, we must work creatively and collaboratively to make the case for sport and recreation.
Climate change, we know, will present significant questions for the delivery of sport and recreation at both grassroots and elite level. In general, the economic environment for the sector – exacerbated by the legacy of the pandemic, significant cuts to local Government services and the cost-of-living crisis – remains challenging. The Alliance’s strategy expires this year, and the Board has consulted with our members to identify priorities for the next strategic period; I feel confident that they will work with us in the most positive spirit to move the organisation forward.
You can read more about the role of Director in this pack. We want to be clear about what we are looking for from our Directors and this pack is designed to help you understand more about us. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have.
Dame Janet Beer DBE
The Sport and Recreation Alliance believes that the power of sport and recreation can change lives and bring communities together. With our members and in partnership with the wider sector, we make the most of opportunities and tackle the areas that provide a challenge.
We do this by providing advice, support and guidance and by being the voice of the sector. Working with Government, policy makers and the media, we help grassroots sport and recreation grow and thrive. Having an active nation is important as it delivers huge benefits to society and the millions of participants, volunteers, staff and spectators.
We can find out more in our current strategy Support. Recover. Achieve. on our website.
Our Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values sit at the heart of our new strategy and provide the touchstone for everything we plan to do over the coming years.
Purpose: We believe everyone should benefit from the positive power of sport and recreation
This is the reason we exist – it is what motivates us.
Vision: We will be at the heart of a thriving sector enabling more people from all backgrounds to participate in sport and recreation
This is the difference we want to make to our members and the wider community when we follow our Purpose.
Mission: To be the go-to body for sport and recreation, providing the very best services, advice and advocacy
This is what we will do every day to make sure our Purpose delivers our Vision.
Values: We know that values are not just words – they matter.
When values are clear and aligned, people understand one another, everyone does the right things for the right reasons and this common purpose and understanding helps people build great working relationships.
Throughout the life of our new strategy, we will be guided by three simple values:
These values will be at the heart of everything we do and how we treat each other. They provide an essential guide to the way that we will work, set the tone for our culture and identify what we, as a collective team, care about.
We are committed to high standards of governance and we are compliant at Tier 3 with ‘A Code for Sports Governance’.
Our governance structure and policies allow us to maintain a strong board which works hard to build a sustainable organisation. Further details of our Board and framework can be found here.
Skills and Experience
This year, we are looking for a Director who has the varied skills and experience to move the organisation forward in its next five years of a new strategy.
Knowledge, experience and in depth understanding from an executive/board level of National Governing Bodies of sport and recreation, would be an advantage, as would the following if you can demonstrate:
Previous Board experience is not necessary and we welcome applications from all ages and backgrounds.
Key responsibilities (jointly with other Directors):
1. Ensuring that the organisation has a clear vision and strategic direction and is focused on achieving these.
2. Being responsible for the overall performance of the organisation and for its culture and ethos.
3. Ensuring that the organisation complies with all legal and regulatory requirements.
4. Acting as a guardian of the organisation’s assets, both tangible and intangible, taking all due care over their security, deployment and proper application.
5. Ensuring that the organisation’s governance and probity is of the highest possible standard.
Person Specification
1. Have an understanding of, and commitment to, sport and/or physical recreation.
2. Someone who can continue to develop and maintain the Alliance’s strategic focus and direct the organisation towards its future.
3. Be able to make a commitment to the Alliance and devote the necessary time.
4. Have strategic vision, independent judgement, an ability to think creatively and a willingness to speak your mind.
5. A clear commitment to improving diversity and equality and understanding the needs of under-represented groups in sport.
6. Have knowledge of good governance and commitment to highest standards.
Time and Commitment
You will be expected to join four Board meetings a year, which are usually held at the Alliance’s offices in Central London but are also accessible by video [normally Microsoft Teams]. In addition, we would encourage your attendance at several Alliance meetings and events and there may be a requirement for your attendance at Board sub-committees, depending on other roles and responsibilities you assume.
The role is voluntary, and we will pay Directors’ travel expenses and provide a full induction to the organisation’s work.
Term of Office
The appointment is for a four year-term which will start at the conclusion of the 2025 Annual General Meeting provisionally set for October this year. One further four-year term can be served.
Please find below details of the selection process, to assist you in completing and tailoring your application:
You should submit:
1. An up-to-date CV which shows your full career history – we recommend that this is no longer than two pages.
2. An appropriate covering letter.
3*. Show where you have a clear association and nomination/support from an organisation in membership of the Sport and Recreation Alliance [as at the time of your application].
4. Indicate if you cannot attend the interview date on 27 March [can be negotiated].
Please send your completed application form and letter to the Company Secretary, BY EMAIL to Kate Lawrenson
Please also complete the equality and diversity monitoring e- form.
* Organisations in membership of the Sport and Recreation Alliance can be found on our website. Examples of having an ‘association’ with an organisation in membership could include being a member/volunteer of a club or working for one of the National Governing Bodies but you must have an authorised representative from one of those Members support your application.
An email from your supporting representative will suffice for this element but if you have any questions at all please contact Kate Lawrenson.
Closing date – applications should be received by 12noon on Wednesday 12 March 2025.
You will receive an acknowledgement to your email, and we suggest that if you don’t receive this you should contact Kate to confirm your application has been received.
All candidates’ CVs and letters will be considered by the Nominations Committee who will then hold any interviews on Thursday 27 March at the Alliance office in Holborn.
Members of the Nominations Committee are Dame Janet Beer (Alliance Chair), Dame Sally Dicketts (Alliance Senior Independent Director), Dave Strain (Alliance Appointed Director) and Vicky Williams (LTA People Director).
All Elected Directors are elected by the Sport and Recreation Alliance Full members. Therefore, once interviews are completed, the Nominations Committee, on behalf of the Board, will confirm the candidates to be included in the ballot to the membership and invite the Full members to take part in an electronic vote.
Candidates to be included in the ballot process will be asked to provide a candidate statement, photo and a short video clip for inclusion on the Alliance website.
This electronic voting process is conducted on our behalf by Civica.
This year’s ballot will be conducted over a three-week period 21 April – 9 May during which time Full Members will vote and select their preferred candidate.
The results of the ballot will be known shortly after. The chosen candidate’s four-year term of office will commence at the conclusion of the Alliance’s 2025 Annual General Meeting in October.
For more detailed information about the Alliance and a list of the current Directors, please visit our website at
For an informal discussion about the role of Director please contact the Company Secretary.
Apply for roleClosing date: 12th March 2025