We completed a project to assess the Social Value of Project Rimaya:
Assessed the impact and value of Project Rimaya courses that are aimed specifically at Muslim women and girls to get them involved in archery recreationally - archery is a Sunnah sport with a positive place in Islam
Designed and produced a questionnaire based around comparative study. The questions came from a number of standardised national surveys used to measure wellbeing.
Compared the responses to questions from the 'subject group' (Project Rimaya participants) against segmented 'control groups' reflective of the demography of 'subject group' - e.g. females, urban settings, British Asians living in the same Index of Multiple Deprivation, etc.
Participants were surveyed at three separate stages: prior to the start of the Project Rimaya programme, at its mid-point, and at its end
Focus groups took place at the end of the programme
Used the WELLBY model to quantify the increased levels of satisfaction reported by the subject group
Final outputs
Produced a final report detailing the methodology, delivery, results and outcomes of the project
A suite of case studies exemplifying the motivations of different individuals to participate in Project Rimaya and the impact they have felt as a result of completing the course
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