Support. Recover. Achieve.

Our 2021-25 strategy underpins all of the work we do. Find out more about it below.

Our new strategy was published at a critical juncture for both society and our sector. The COVID-19 pandemic simultaneously reinforced the importance of sport, recreation and physical activity to the lives of individuals and communities but also highlighted how easily it can be taken away. Now, more than ever, we must work creatively and collaboratively to make the case for sport and recreation. 

Updated mid-cycle in 2023, it is our hope that this new strategy clearly sets out our aims and how you can be supported.

We listened extensively to our members, stakeholders and sector partners to ensure that the aims of our strategy remain true to the sector’s needs, both in the immediacy and the long-term.

At the heart of our new vision, we are working to showcase the incredible social, economic and health benefits that sport, recreation and physical activity brings.

We also want to help our members to become even more resilient and sustainable as we tackle the challenges that lie ahead.

Promoting diversity, inclusion and collaboration have been identified as three ways for the sector to lead social change and we are driving action in these areas.

Most importantly, we will be here for you. 

You can view and download our 2021-25 strategy 'Support. Recover. Achieve' in full here.

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